New Chinawhite Night Club to Open in London

Something changed in the London nightlife scene when Chinawhite - a fixture for ten years amongst the best clubs in London - closed in December 2008.

Chinawhite Closed in December 2009

The London night club had been a favourite amongst the clubbing elite since it’s opening in 1998 hosting some of the top London parties and events although it had largely remained unchanged during its time on Air Street in London’s fashionable Soho area.

In October 2009 the legendary VIP nightclub is reopening at a new location on Winsley Street, just north of Oxford Street.

The NEW Chinawhite will retain its East Asian decor and will also incorporate a pan-Asian restaurant allowing guests to enjoy great food and great music at one destination.

For information about the launch of Chinawhite in October register for the latest Celebrity News and Celebrity Gossip via the Forbidden London Newsletter.
